Guodong Zhao Aims Games at Adorable Animals @guodong__z

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Big lazy animals on bean-bags and black and white dragons make Guodong Zhao’s drawings enjoyable as can be.

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This artist’s digital paintings place particularly slothful creatures in comfy chairs and give them games to play for good measure. Undeniably cute, these cozy beasties seem hilariously detached from their worlds altogether.

Where traditional drawings are concerned, Guodong Zhao stands apart with intricate attention to the details of shading and light. His drawings pair the sharp contrast of chiaroscuro shading with cartoon styling for a unique and adorable effect overall. Check it all out below!

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Read up on Naoto Hattori’s creepy critters

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Marcela Makes Amazing Art With Cartoonish Creativity @marcela_artworks

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The spellbinding artwork Marcela puts together puts real people and places at odds with otherwise impossible scenic details.

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Colossal humans parade past buildings on slender stilts, strange animal amalgamations ignore the laws of gravity and people pair up with animals as entirely new beings altogether in Marcela’s work.

Colors come into some of Marcela’s artwork, but not all of it. Many of her drawings display, in black and white, incredible degrees of detail, without losing their surreal, cartoonish character. Check it out below!

Read up on Kasey Golden’s lovely cartoon creations

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Marcela Makes Amazing Art With Cartoonish Creativity @marcela_artworks

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The spellbinding artwork Marcela puts together puts real people and places at odds with otherwise impossible scenic details.

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Colossal humans parade past buildings on slender stilts, strange animal amalgamations ignore the laws of gravity and people pair up with animals as entirely new beings altogether in Marcela’s work.

Colors come into some of Marcela’s artwork, but not all of it. Many of her drawings display, in black and white, incredible degrees of detail, without losing their surreal, cartoonish character. Check it out below!

Read up on Kasey Golden’s lovely cartoon creations

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Ishan Sheriff Shows Us Our World in Sharp Digital Paintings @ishansheriffart

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Modern and minimal, Ishan Sheriff’s artwork is stunning stuff.

Each image tells a story in stylized detail. Sharp lines, smooth colors and powerful precision…

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A wealth-spring of words flows from each of Ishan’s artistic scenes. Dramatic confrontations, picturesque portraits of solitude and mellow modern moments make each creation a source of fascination.

Realism in free-form, Sheriff’s art signature is sleek and surreptitious. Subtleties define his style as do clear-cut boundaries. Calm color profiles prove striking juxtaposed against tense action, but fit just fine for crisp lifestyle pics.

Despite a diverse set of settings, Ishan’s style is incredibly cohesive. Check out more below!

Read up on Minal’s pretty colorful pictures

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Italian Artist Goes Full-Glow With Glow-in-the-Dark Paintings @criscoart

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This artist is literally lighting up the world at large with his luminescent art.

Each of his beautiful paintings glows bright in low light.

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Cosmic swirls and super-lit skies give all of Crisco Art’s epic paintings a load of lambency.

Brilliant blues, glistening greens and all the hues in between bring beautiful imagery to light in his work.

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With my little pieces of light 🤩🔥💡

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So many magical settings are depicted in Crisco Art’s pieces.

Stags stamp stars in icy nebulae, silhouettes stand tiny, in touch with monuments of nature and trees reach for cloud clusters off in the distance. Gorgeous. Check out more below!

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Sometimes I lost myself in my artworks 💙🤩🌌

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Read up on Julian Opie’s LED artwork

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Pascal Möhlmann Makes Fine Paintings with a Touch of Kitsch @pascalmoehlmann

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Moody imagery plus a healthy dose of Kitsch esthetic make Pascal Möhlmann’s art exceptional.

Nuance and nudity, substance and intentional silliness…

More Art: Ezra’s Brain-Melting Artwork

Humor forms a definite part of Pascal’s purposeful art. The interplay of such classical mainstays as artistic nudity with themes of overt sexualisation, nonsensical combinations and extreme emotions makes for some truly fascinating images.

Similar to that of Odd Nerdrum, Pascal’s artwork works worldly modernity onto canvas through classical techniques. Details flourish in vivid chroma, converting creative messages to images worth thousands of words. See for yourself!

Read up on the art of Odd Nerdrum

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Conrad Jon Godly Creates Stunning Stony Imagery @conradjongodly

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Stark application and dramatic color give Conrad Jon Godly’s gorgeous art its singular charm.

His work on canvas creates crags, crevasses, mountain ranges and more in impressively organic form.

More Art: Bak Sujeen’s Masterful Multitextured Artwork

Bright white lights erupt from chasms and cold steel blue bleeds out from cavernous cores in Conrad’s art. Thanks to a creative use of strong texture, all of Godly’s artwork benefits from the inclusion of a striking third dimension.

If you look closely at Conrad’s work, if you take in the detailed mountain crests and canyons on canvas, if you consider momentarily the prospect of scaling the cliffs and sheer slopes he’s recreated in color, you’ll quickly come to appreciate its elegant excellence and supreme style. Check it out below!

Read up on the heartwarming art of Grandma Moses

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Conrad Jon Godly Creates Stunning Stony Imagery @conradjongodly

Odd Nugget Social-done

Stark application and dramatic color give Conrad Jon Godly’s gorgeous art its singular charm.

His work on canvas creates crags, crevasses, mountain ranges and more in impressively organic form.

More Art: Bak Sujeen’s Masterful Multitextured Artwork

Bright white lights erupt from chasms and cold steel blue bleeds out from cavernous cores in Conrad’s art. Thanks to a creative use of strong texture, all of Godly’s artwork benefits from the inclusion of a striking third dimension.

If you look closely at Conrad’s work, if you take in the detailed mountain crests and canyons on canvas, if you consider momentarily the prospect of scaling the cliffs and sheer slopes he’s recreated in color, you’ll quickly come to appreciate its elegant excellence and supreme style. Check it out below!

Read up on the heartwarming art of Grandma Moses

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Riu’s Paper Art Pieces are Painless Papercuts @mr_riu

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Japanese paper mandala and zentangle artist Riu crafts some insanely detailed creative cutouts.

More Art: M.C. Escher’s Incredible Artwork

Riu’s beautiful artwork works thick, stiff paper into incredible shapes and patterns, one careful cut at a time.

Each of his creations curves clear, empty space around paper with perfect precision, making for imagery so thorough and full, it’ll fool you into thinking it’s reality.

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. title: Happy Monstera . The language of a monstera is 'happy news' 'grandiose plans' 'deep relationship' and 'dedication'. All of them are from the characteristic deep cuts or lots of circles. In Hawaii, it is said that the monstera bring you a light of hope. I cutted out this monstera gently and politely with all my heart that I wish you be always filled with lots of smile, happiness, and love. Therefore it took many hours by far to cut it out. The correct answer of my previous post is 'LOVE'. Where is 'LOVE'?👀 There is the shape of heart at inner side of the monstera by small circles. Do you see? The shape of 💛. And the deep cuts of monstera is expressing the shape of both fingers🤲🏻, it is like that the monstera always bring you love gently forever. I wonder you can see that..😅 There are always 'smile' 'happiness' 'love' around us. But we miss it easily. And we want it more and more… It is always in daily life or our pants pocket. However it is difficult to find it sometimes. But we should feel it in ordinary days. The Happy Monstera also comes with a wish of that.🙏💛 . モンステラの花言葉は、その特徴的な切り込みや穴から光が差し込むことに由来するものばかりで「うれしい便り」、大きな葉っぱから「壮大な計画」、葉にできる深い切り込みから「深い関係」、まるで身を削って優しく光を注いでくれる「献身」、ハワイでは「希望の光を導く」、幸せが湧き出る「幸せの泉」とも言われているようです。 生物学?的に切れ込みや穴は、太陽の光を下の葉に届けるためではないか、と言われているようで、そんな穴に特化(恋✨)して、穴だけのモンステラを切り上げることにしました🍀 無数の小さな穴の一つ一つは、皆さん一人一人に光が差す穴だと信じ、この作品に触れるみんなのもとに光が注がれて、笑顔と幸せと愛が溢れますようにと心を込めて、一つ一つを優しく丁寧にくり抜きました。これまでで群を抜いて時間がかかったのは、そんな思いからです。 完成動画アップ時のクイズですが、最後の言葉はずばり「愛💛」です。 'あなたがいつも沢山の笑顔と幸せと愛で溢れますように(^人^)' . 作品の中に隠れている「愛」はさてどこに? モンステラの葉形そのものが既にハート型ですが、その一回り内側に小さな穴で出来た大きめのハート型があります、見えますか?そしてモンステラの葉の左右の深い切れ込みは両手それぞれの5本指になっていて、ハートを優しく包んでいます。そっと、そして絶え間なく愛を届けてくれているみたいに(*´ω`*)。見えるかなあ、、😅スマホをちょっと離したら見えるかもしれないです笑。(ジブリ(ナウシカ)ファンからしたら王蟲の金糸がハートを持ち上げているような?笑) 私たちの身近にある笑顔も幸せも愛も、いつもそこにあるのに、簡単に見過ごしてもっと他をもっと上を次をと求めてしまいがちです。必ず日常にその服のポケットに幸せがある、ただ時々少し見えなくなる、だけどちゃんと感じていなきゃ、、そんな思いも込めています。。。 「作品の解説が多いほど、作品に力がない証拠」 はい、すいません😰まだまだ頑張ります笑。 いつもありがとう😊 . #papercut#papercraft#monstera#smile#hapiness#LOVE#circle#mr_riuworks

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Riu’s gorgeous artwork really pushes the boundaries of the art form, sometimes taking on patterns and shapes so fine and intricate, they seem nearly impossible to cut into being. But, clearly Riu thinks otherwise! Check out his art below.

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. 以前にもキャプションで書いたものです。。 . 左上から右下の順に作品名は、Girl → Gift → Gold →Glamour で、女性が年齢を重ねるにつれ変わっていく4つの物語となっています。それぞれに隠れたテーマやキーワードがあるので、説明します。ちょっと乱雑ですけど笑。 Girl → 少女、ナルシスト、自己満足、独奏、男性に対してガードが固い、食べられない骨ホネの魚、角ばったGのカタチ、彼女は自分の本質がわかっていません、それでも幾らかの自負はあります、楽譜はバッハの'G線上のアリア'です。 Gift → 贈り物、失恋、過去の自分にさようなら、譜面の雨、音符を食べる魚が木に栄養を与えます、木の実となったGは悲しみや無常を蓄え丸くなっています、失恋は神様の贈り物、それをきっかけに変われるんだから、自分とは何か、という気づき。 Gold → ゴールド(金)、冒険、あたって砕けろ(行動)、本当の自分、ありたい自分への探求、海の中の金(宝物)を見つけたいなら新しいビキニに着替えてまだ見ぬ世界へ飛び込まないとね、タコは男らしさや男の色気の象徴、男性に対する理解とココロとカラダの成長、タコのいたずらでGから溢れたハート型の元気を食べた魚が空を目指します。 Glamour → グラマー、躍動感、イキイキした日々、自分らしさ、ありたい自分の発見、何も身にまとわない素の私らしさ、周りの人を幸せにしたいなあ、フルートを吹いてあなたを祝福する魚、受精、ちびタコは男性の本能の象徴で精子を意味します、Gは卵子、光に群がる虫のように男性は女性のフェロモンに吸い寄せられます。 . 女性にはいつも(少女から大人まで)幸せであってほしい(まだまだ男性社会という前提で、女性が主体的に生きられる社会となっていない、するべき)と思っていて、自分の作品がそれに対して少しでもきっかけとなったり、誰かの役に立てば嬉しいと思っています。 解説を知らずに作品を見たフォロワーさんの中で、何かピンと来た直感があって、それがこの乱雑な解説で少しでもスッキリしたものがあるとしたら、同じ感性や通じるものがある気がします。そしてそれは、離れていても作品を介してきっと必ず私はそんな誰かと繋がっていられる、という私の創作エネルギーの大きな糧です。 ありがとうございます。 . #papercut#papercraft#girl#lady#G#story#gift#gold#glamour#mr_riuworks

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Read up on Kara Walker’s meticulous maquettes

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Maahy’s Magnificently Meticulous Drawings are Excellent Distractions @maahyart

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Maahy’s detailed and dramatic artwork deals a tribal blow to zentangle techniques. Results are as mesmerizing as they are multifaceted.

Colors swirl with lines to gorgeous grandiosity in each of Maahy’s pieces.

Patterned portrayals of animals amass heaps of detail so dense they appear to move on still paper. It’s a powerful art style, for sure.

Especially fascinating are his pop culture depictions. Delivered with his signature touch of sophisticated pattern-printing, familiar characters from comics and movies manifest as much more memorable versions of themselves. It’s awesome stuff. Have a look at more of his work below!

Read up on Luke Adam Hawker’s hectically perfect pictures

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