Cosmic Ninja Stand and Proclaim “We Got Up”

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Peppy power-pop rock to get you going… Cosmic Ninja’s “We Got Up” fuzes the heart of a rocker with the soul of a raver.

Guitars, glow-sticks and flares… This song will snare you and keep you there.

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Don’t let it out. A heart in chains…

A bird, caged, locked away…

Today’s the day. You’ll fly away.

Behind, leave burdens and pain.


“I’m in chains. I want to be free…”

A siren sounds; a rallying cry cuts through the mix at the start of “We Got Up”. This track gets up to speed with sporadic melody and dynamic shifts in focus.

Cosmic Ninja are a band in two worlds at once. Their sound bleeds kinetic chroma over rebellious sentiment. Both worlds collide, scorching to crisp sound in the aftershock.

Like Ghost of You and Icon For Hire, Cosmic Ninja revel in rock riff-rage without dropping their dancing rhythm. Distant digital tones twinkle, effervescent, over steady synth magic as guitars grind out a groove. Let’s move.

This song and sound is its own exuberant thing. Get into it and enjoy.

Read all about ArcM’s “Falling Away From You Now”

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Cosmic Ninja Stand and Proclaim “We Got Up”

Odd Nugget Social-done

Peppy power-pop rock to get you going… Cosmic Ninja’s “We Got Up” fuzes the heart of a rocker with the soul of a raver.

Guitars, glow-sticks and flares… This song will snare you and keep you there.

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Don’t let it out. A heart in chains…

A bird, caged, locked away…

Today’s the day. You’ll fly away.

Behind, leave burdens and pain.


“I’m in chains. I want to be free…”

A siren sounds; a rallying cry cuts through the mix at the start of “We Got Up”. This track gets up to speed with sporadic melody and dynamic shifts in focus.

Cosmic Ninja are a band in two worlds at once. Their sound bleeds kinetic chroma over rebellious sentiment. Both worlds collide, scorching to crisp sound in the aftershock.

Like Ghost of You and Icon For Hire, Cosmic Ninja revel in rock riff-rage without dropping their dancing rhythm. Distant digital tones twinkle, effervescent, over steady synth magic as guitars grind out a groove. Let’s move.

This song and sound is its own exuberant thing. Get into it and enjoy.

Read all about ArcM’s “Falling Away From You Now”

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Hero Fisher Lives Her “Life Through Closed Eyes”

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Hero Fisher flaunts her own electric, eclectic brand of moody brooding beauty in “Life Through Closed Eyes”.

Fresh from her full album “Glue Moon,” this track whisks you off and out of this world.

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Cold and warm; sun rays on a snow drift…

You could slip away today.

Right now; and no one’d notice.

The world’s cruelty is cold. Bask in innocence.

“I know you’re tired. I don’t blame you…”

Choral vocals offset a stumbling beat in “Life Through Closed Eyes”. From all directions, a spreading haze of bright echoes presses in.

Hero Fisher forges the biggest and boldest of sounds, simultaneously professing the smallest and most precious of sentiments. Listening to “Life Through Closed Eyes,” it’s easy enough to close our own and see.


There’s a wealth of subtlety to this tune’s shifty spirit. Hero drops and hoists emotive handles so seamlessly, the emotional roller-coaster you ride throughout the track seems gentle as a rocking chair. But, it’s still there.

Hero Fisher’s music is mystifying stuff; easy enough to indulge in. To partake in it is to ponder. Ponder it now by pressing play.

Read all about Hero Fisher’s “If I Die and Nothing Happens”

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Hero Fisher Lives Her “Life Through Closed Eyes”

Odd Nugget Social-done

Hero Fisher flaunts her own electric, eclectic brand of moody brooding beauty in “Life Through Closed Eyes”.

Fresh from her full album “Glue Moon,” this track whisks you off and out of this world.

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Cold and warm; sun rays on a snow drift…

You could slip away today.

Right now; and no one’d notice.

The world’s cruelty is cold. Bask in innocence.

“I know you’re tired. I don’t blame you…”

Choral vocals offset a stumbling beat in “Life Through Closed Eyes”. From all directions, a spreading haze of bright echoes presses in.

Hero Fisher forges the biggest and boldest of sounds, simultaneously professing the smallest and most precious of sentiments. Listening to “Life Through Closed Eyes,” it’s easy enough to close our own and see.


There’s a wealth of subtlety to this tune’s shifty spirit. Hero drops and hoists emotive handles so seamlessly, the emotional roller-coaster you ride throughout the track seems gentle as a rocking chair. But, it’s still there.

Hero Fisher’s music is mystifying stuff; easy enough to indulge in. To partake in it is to ponder. Ponder it now by pressing play.

Read all about Hero Fisher’s “If I Die and Nothing Happens”

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XMPLA Sings as the “Sun Goes Down”

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Broken beats balance precariously on waves of wobbling synth and voice in XMPLA’s “Sun Goes Down”.

It’s like liquid lounge beats spiced with spoken lyrics.

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Turning on a dime…

High time you turned to something new.

Look up. It’s watching you. Usurped in slow-mo…

Done in by the moon.


“All those sounds I heard don’t stop.”

XMPLA splits to multiple personalities in his tracks, splattering supernatural sounds from side to side. “Sun Goes Down” puts such a spin on a standard progression. The effect is melodically extravagant, yet easy to enjoy.

This track plays endless games with itself. Bass phases and splits to pieces. Synths piece themselves together to moon-phased waves. Wow. Sun sets on a wonderful world…

A game of pickup, “Sun Goes Down” seems caught in limbo as notes die out, dissolve, disappear, and rise again. There’s a universe of groove going strong in this song.

You don’t need much of anything to enjoy this. Headphones and space to slacken your pace… This is dubby chill hop with a wicked wobble you won’t want to leave behind. Play and replay.

Read all about XMPLA “Better”

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Getting to Know IV DANTE – Part 2 of 2

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We’re back with part 2 of our series on IV DANTE! In the first part, we focused on Danté’s musical interests and inspirations. Definitely dip on over to that post if you haven’t seen it.

This time around, we’ll look at the low-down on life as a young, performing musician and more.

More Music: Historian’s “Familiar Bell”

Even as a young musician, Danté’s experience in the music industry already spans years. He’s been performing in pubs and playing gigs, no problem.

In fact, IV DANTE has been performing publicly since the age of 13. Used to the rush of the crowd at this point, his perspective on performing comes colored with confidence.

“Now it’s more excitement…

…Before I play as I’m just keen to get out and share my music with people. Performing is probably my favourite part of playing music and I’m really excited to keep building our live shows and making them something really special.”


With public shows in different parts of Australia under his belt and a great band to boot, IV DANTE has put some thought towards touring his country at some point.

“I’m hoping to go on a tour first around Australia then eventually make our way to the U.K and see all the places over there.”

A UK tour and more most likely loom ahead for Danté. With an exceptional sense of sound and a style that most anyone can completely enjoy, it’s hard to imagine many, if any, impediments to his progress in the industry.

Danté’s reasons for considering a UK tour in particular are centered on its burgeoning live music scene; an indie musician’s paradise of small-to-mid-sized venues packed with eager, open-minded listeners.

“I’ve heard great things about the live music scene there so [it] would be really exciting to play a bunch of shows in those places.”

On his own home turf, Danté’s process of music making is a mobile one, stepping from studios to beaches to spark up creativity.

A change of scenery whenever he needs it keeps IV DANTE’s ideas fresh and fluid.

“It’s always cool when I’m able to do some writing outside of home like when I’m down at the beach or even in the studio with other musicians. There’s always something a bit different when writing elsewhere which always helps with the creativity.”


Cool as can be, IV DANTE’s experiences as a maker of music in Australia mostly just feel familiar to him. It’s a way of life…

“I guess it doesn’t really feel unique because it’s all I’ve ever known.”

Crafting music that’s new and unknown can sometimes mean making all you’ve ever known into something else entirely. Danté does just that with his own songs.

You can hear waves crashing in the riffs – feel Sunlight spreading over each verse and chorus. Each of his songs so far sounds like an endless Summer. There’s a wealth of warmth and energy at play that’s tough to stay away from.


IV DANTE’s newest tune “Be With Me” puts all of his creative effort on display, pairing it with a dose of pop for good measure. It’s great stuff, so have a listen below or click the link a little lower to read our review of it.

Also, if you haven’t already, check out part 1 of this series for more on IV DANTE and his music.

Read all about IV DANTE’s smooth indie pop rock tune “Be With Me”

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Getting to Know IV DANTE – Part 2 of 2

Odd Nugget Social-done

We’re back with part 2 of our series on IV DANTE! In the first part, we focused on Danté’s musical interests and inspirations. Definitely dip on over to that post if you haven’t seen it.

This time around, we’ll look at the low-down on life as a young, performing musician and more.

More Music: Historian’s “Familiar Bell”

Even as a young musician, Danté’s experience in the music industry already spans years. He’s been performing in pubs and playing gigs, no problem.

In fact, IV DANTE has been performing publicly since the age of 13. Used to the rush of the crowd at this point, his perspective on performing comes colored with confidence.

“Now it’s more excitement…

…Before I play as I’m just keen to get out and share my music with people. Performing is probably my favourite part of playing music and I’m really excited to keep building our live shows and making them something really special.”


With public shows in different parts of Australia under his belt and a great band to boot, IV DANTE has put some thought towards touring his country at some point.

“I’m hoping to go on a tour first around Australia then eventually make our way to the U.K and see all the places over there.”

A UK tour and more most likely loom ahead for Danté. With an exceptional sense of sound and a style that most anyone can completely enjoy, it’s hard to imagine many, if any, impediments to his progress in the industry.

Danté’s reasons for considering a UK tour in particular are centered on its burgeoning live music scene; an indie musician’s paradise of small-to-mid-sized venues packed with eager, open-minded listeners.

“I’ve heard great things about the live music scene there so [it] would be really exciting to play a bunch of shows in those places.”

On his own home turf, Danté’s process of music making is a mobile one, stepping from studios to beaches to spark up creativity.

A change of scenery whenever he needs it keeps IV DANTE’s ideas fresh and fluid.

“It’s always cool when I’m able to do some writing outside of home like when I’m down at the beach or even in the studio with other musicians. There’s always something a bit different when writing elsewhere which always helps with the creativity.”


Cool as can be, IV DANTE’s experiences as a maker of music in Australia mostly just feel familiar to him. It’s a way of life…

“I guess it doesn’t really feel unique because it’s all I’ve ever known.”

Crafting music that’s new and unknown can sometimes mean making all you’ve ever known into something else entirely. Danté does just that with his own songs.

You can hear waves crashing in the riffs – feel Sunlight spreading over each verse and chorus. Each of his songs so far sounds like an endless Summer. There’s a wealth of warmth and energy at play that’s tough to stay away from.


IV DANTE’s newest tune “Be With Me” puts all of his creative effort on display, pairing it with a dose of pop for good measure. It’s great stuff, so have a listen below or click the link a little lower to read our review of it.

Also, if you haven’t already, check out part 1 of this series for more on IV DANTE and his music.

Read all about IV DANTE’s smooth indie pop rock tune “Be With Me”

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The Afro Nick Gives “You” a Kick

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Droning and groaning with sawtooth psychedelia, the Afro Nick’s track “You” is yummy stuff.

Guitar-driven sonic pandemonium fades in and out over harmonic ecstasy…

More Music: Flow Commotion’s Rock Tune “Come Back Home

Colored air and haptic sound…
All around you, bare and barren ground…

Not a soul to be found…

Caught between dreams, you’re just drifting around.


“All my senses hit the red light…”

Disorienting, delightfully disorienting… The Afro Nick has hit on a great driving groove in “You”. It waves. It broods. It’s real good.

A less intense dose of Sleep riffing and rebounding guitar grumbles give “You” a heavy tone, mellowed by fluid solos.

Vocals drag on, expanding through time like a mind in mid-meditation. It’s hard not to tag along. Along for the ride we are.

The interplay of jagged square signals on ricocheting rounded curves is a truly satisfying sonic spectacle. It sounds a lot like space and time fist-bumping forever.

Rock and Psychedelic song lovers ought to try a slice of this track. “You” will become your new fave for sure. Stay a while and listen.

Read all about Red Telephone’s throwback retro track about a park named Victoria

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The Afro Nick Gives “You” a Kick

Odd Nugget Social-done

Droning and groaning with sawtooth psychedelia, the Afro Nick’s track “You” is yummy stuff.

Guitar-driven sonic pandemonium fades in and out over harmonic ecstasy…

More Music: Flow Commotion’s Rock Tune “Come Back Home

Colored air and haptic sound…
All around you, bare and barren ground…

Not a soul to be found…

Caught between dreams, you’re just drifting around.


“All my senses hit the red light…”

Disorienting, delightfully disorienting… The Afro Nick has hit on a great driving groove in “You”. It waves. It broods. It’s real good.

A less intense dose of Sleep riffing and rebounding guitar grumbles give “You” a heavy tone, mellowed by fluid solos.

Vocals drag on, expanding through time like a mind in mid-meditation. It’s hard not to tag along. Along for the ride we are.

The interplay of jagged square signals on ricocheting rounded curves is a truly satisfying sonic spectacle. It sounds a lot like space and time fist-bumping forever.

Rock and Psychedelic song lovers ought to try a slice of this track. “You” will become your new fave for sure. Stay a while and listen.

Read all about Red Telephone’s throwback retro track about a park named Victoria

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Riu’s Paper Art Pieces are Painless Papercuts @mr_riu

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Japanese paper mandala and zentangle artist Riu crafts some insanely detailed creative cutouts.

More Art: M.C. Escher’s Incredible Artwork

Riu’s beautiful artwork works thick, stiff paper into incredible shapes and patterns, one careful cut at a time.

Each of his creations curves clear, empty space around paper with perfect precision, making for imagery so thorough and full, it’ll fool you into thinking it’s reality.

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. title: Happy Monstera . The language of a monstera is 'happy news' 'grandiose plans' 'deep relationship' and 'dedication'. All of them are from the characteristic deep cuts or lots of circles. In Hawaii, it is said that the monstera bring you a light of hope. I cutted out this monstera gently and politely with all my heart that I wish you be always filled with lots of smile, happiness, and love. Therefore it took many hours by far to cut it out. The correct answer of my previous post is 'LOVE'. Where is 'LOVE'?👀 There is the shape of heart at inner side of the monstera by small circles. Do you see? The shape of 💛. And the deep cuts of monstera is expressing the shape of both fingers🤲🏻, it is like that the monstera always bring you love gently forever. I wonder you can see that..😅 There are always 'smile' 'happiness' 'love' around us. But we miss it easily. And we want it more and more… It is always in daily life or our pants pocket. However it is difficult to find it sometimes. But we should feel it in ordinary days. The Happy Monstera also comes with a wish of that.🙏💛 . モンステラの花言葉は、その特徴的な切り込みや穴から光が差し込むことに由来するものばかりで「うれしい便り」、大きな葉っぱから「壮大な計画」、葉にできる深い切り込みから「深い関係」、まるで身を削って優しく光を注いでくれる「献身」、ハワイでは「希望の光を導く」、幸せが湧き出る「幸せの泉」とも言われているようです。 生物学?的に切れ込みや穴は、太陽の光を下の葉に届けるためではないか、と言われているようで、そんな穴に特化(恋✨)して、穴だけのモンステラを切り上げることにしました🍀 無数の小さな穴の一つ一つは、皆さん一人一人に光が差す穴だと信じ、この作品に触れるみんなのもとに光が注がれて、笑顔と幸せと愛が溢れますようにと心を込めて、一つ一つを優しく丁寧にくり抜きました。これまでで群を抜いて時間がかかったのは、そんな思いからです。 完成動画アップ時のクイズですが、最後の言葉はずばり「愛💛」です。 'あなたがいつも沢山の笑顔と幸せと愛で溢れますように(^人^)' . 作品の中に隠れている「愛」はさてどこに? モンステラの葉形そのものが既にハート型ですが、その一回り内側に小さな穴で出来た大きめのハート型があります、見えますか?そしてモンステラの葉の左右の深い切れ込みは両手それぞれの5本指になっていて、ハートを優しく包んでいます。そっと、そして絶え間なく愛を届けてくれているみたいに(*´ω`*)。見えるかなあ、、😅スマホをちょっと離したら見えるかもしれないです笑。(ジブリ(ナウシカ)ファンからしたら王蟲の金糸がハートを持ち上げているような?笑) 私たちの身近にある笑顔も幸せも愛も、いつもそこにあるのに、簡単に見過ごしてもっと他をもっと上を次をと求めてしまいがちです。必ず日常にその服のポケットに幸せがある、ただ時々少し見えなくなる、だけどちゃんと感じていなきゃ、、そんな思いも込めています。。。 「作品の解説が多いほど、作品に力がない証拠」 はい、すいません😰まだまだ頑張ります笑。 いつもありがとう😊 . #papercut#papercraft#monstera#smile#hapiness#LOVE#circle#mr_riuworks

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Riu’s gorgeous artwork really pushes the boundaries of the art form, sometimes taking on patterns and shapes so fine and intricate, they seem nearly impossible to cut into being. But, clearly Riu thinks otherwise! Check out his art below.

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. 以前にもキャプションで書いたものです。。 . 左上から右下の順に作品名は、Girl → Gift → Gold →Glamour で、女性が年齢を重ねるにつれ変わっていく4つの物語となっています。それぞれに隠れたテーマやキーワードがあるので、説明します。ちょっと乱雑ですけど笑。 Girl → 少女、ナルシスト、自己満足、独奏、男性に対してガードが固い、食べられない骨ホネの魚、角ばったGのカタチ、彼女は自分の本質がわかっていません、それでも幾らかの自負はあります、楽譜はバッハの'G線上のアリア'です。 Gift → 贈り物、失恋、過去の自分にさようなら、譜面の雨、音符を食べる魚が木に栄養を与えます、木の実となったGは悲しみや無常を蓄え丸くなっています、失恋は神様の贈り物、それをきっかけに変われるんだから、自分とは何か、という気づき。 Gold → ゴールド(金)、冒険、あたって砕けろ(行動)、本当の自分、ありたい自分への探求、海の中の金(宝物)を見つけたいなら新しいビキニに着替えてまだ見ぬ世界へ飛び込まないとね、タコは男らしさや男の色気の象徴、男性に対する理解とココロとカラダの成長、タコのいたずらでGから溢れたハート型の元気を食べた魚が空を目指します。 Glamour → グラマー、躍動感、イキイキした日々、自分らしさ、ありたい自分の発見、何も身にまとわない素の私らしさ、周りの人を幸せにしたいなあ、フルートを吹いてあなたを祝福する魚、受精、ちびタコは男性の本能の象徴で精子を意味します、Gは卵子、光に群がる虫のように男性は女性のフェロモンに吸い寄せられます。 . 女性にはいつも(少女から大人まで)幸せであってほしい(まだまだ男性社会という前提で、女性が主体的に生きられる社会となっていない、するべき)と思っていて、自分の作品がそれに対して少しでもきっかけとなったり、誰かの役に立てば嬉しいと思っています。 解説を知らずに作品を見たフォロワーさんの中で、何かピンと来た直感があって、それがこの乱雑な解説で少しでもスッキリしたものがあるとしたら、同じ感性や通じるものがある気がします。そしてそれは、離れていても作品を介してきっと必ず私はそんな誰かと繋がっていられる、という私の創作エネルギーの大きな糧です。 ありがとうございます。 . #papercut#papercraft#girl#lady#G#story#gift#gold#glamour#mr_riuworks

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Read up on Kara Walker’s meticulous maquettes

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