SHIVR Epic Noise-Cancelling 3D Headphones

Odd Nugget Social-done

These noise cancelling headphones are wicked smart and brimming with beautiful sound quality.

All the awesome features you’d expect from high-quality headphones with a bit more for good measure.

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SHIVR headphones deliver authentic 3-dimensional sound thanks to their unique rendering algorithm. But sound is only the beginning with these cans…


Epic ANC tech keeps these playing for more than 24 hours straight on a single charge. Smart playing and pausing stops your music when you take them off and turns it on when they’re back on your ears.


“We worked with YAMAHA audio lab to provide a compensation signal to the feed-backward noise prediction.”

Ambient sound mode lets you interact with your environment and noise-cancelling mode tunes it all out. Top it all off with an impressive wireless range of 49 feet and you get the idea. These are seriously hardcore headphones.

Read up on Black Diamond wireless headphones

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SHIVR Epic Noise-Cancelling 3D Headphones

Odd Nugget Social-done

These noise cancelling headphones are wicked smart and brimming with beautiful sound quality.

All the awesome features you’d expect from high-quality headphones with a bit more for good measure.

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SHIVR headphones deliver authentic 3-dimensional sound thanks to their unique rendering algorithm. But sound is only the beginning with these cans…


Epic ANC tech keeps these playing for more than 24 hours straight on a single charge. Smart playing and pausing stops your music when you take them off and turns it on when they’re back on your ears.


“We worked with YAMAHA audio lab to provide a compensation signal to the feed-backward noise prediction.”

Ambient sound mode lets you interact with your environment and noise-cancelling mode tunes it all out. Top it all off with an impressive wireless range of 49 feet and you get the idea. These are seriously hardcore headphones.

Read up on Black Diamond wireless headphones

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Hearing Better with Heari Smart Headphones

Odd Nugget Social-done

Sound so smart your ears drum up diplomas… HeariAudio’s smart headphones accommodate your ears’ sensitivities with pitch-perfect audio.


Tailored tuning to fit your frequency…

These brand new buds are wireless, comfortable and paired with the Aumeo audio tailoring app to effectively customize your listening experience. You take a 2-minute test with the app and it does the rest – tweaking sound output to better suit your ears.

For total control, you can also hijack the app’s settings yourself and boost that bass. No such thing as too much bass… What’s more, these headphones can boost everyday sounds as well. They’ll be the hearing aids you never knew you needed.


Read up on the musical “Oddball”

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