SHIVR Epic Noise-Cancelling 3D Headphones

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These noise cancelling headphones are wicked smart and brimming with beautiful sound quality.

All the awesome features you’d expect from high-quality headphones with a bit more for good measure.

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SHIVR headphones deliver authentic 3-dimensional sound thanks to their unique rendering algorithm. But sound is only the beginning with these cans…


Epic ANC tech keeps these playing for more than 24 hours straight on a single charge. Smart playing and pausing stops your music when you take them off and turns it on when they’re back on your ears.


“We worked with YAMAHA audio lab to provide a compensation signal to the feed-backward noise prediction.”

Ambient sound mode lets you interact with your environment and noise-cancelling mode tunes it all out. Top it all off with an impressive wireless range of 49 feet and you get the idea. These are seriously hardcore headphones.

Read up on Black Diamond wireless headphones

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SHIVR Epic Noise-Cancelling 3D Headphones

Odd Nugget Social-done

These noise cancelling headphones are wicked smart and brimming with beautiful sound quality.

All the awesome features you’d expect from high-quality headphones with a bit more for good measure.

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SHIVR headphones deliver authentic 3-dimensional sound thanks to their unique rendering algorithm. But sound is only the beginning with these cans…


Epic ANC tech keeps these playing for more than 24 hours straight on a single charge. Smart playing and pausing stops your music when you take them off and turns it on when they’re back on your ears.


“We worked with YAMAHA audio lab to provide a compensation signal to the feed-backward noise prediction.”

Ambient sound mode lets you interact with your environment and noise-cancelling mode tunes it all out. Top it all off with an impressive wireless range of 49 feet and you get the idea. These are seriously hardcore headphones.

Read up on Black Diamond wireless headphones

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AUDX is a DIY Hackable Speaker

Odd Nugget Social-done

Close your eyes and imagine listening to music on a speaker you personally assembled. Now open your eyes and get yourself an AUDX DIY speaker/visualizer kit.

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AUDX is all about learning. Learn the innerworkings of a speaker as you literally construct one yourself. Practice soldering, assembling and even coding to get your special speaker sounding sweet.


“Audx is an Arduino-based project. It accommodates a microphone module with an 8 by 8 LED matrix that can be programmed as you wish.”

This speaker-building kit includes a built in visualizer for you to customize as well. Code in neat audio visualization programs to make music even more enjoyable. It looks pretty neato and definitely doable for the enthusiastic and eager audio tech lover. Check it out!

Read up on the MAKERphone DIY cell phone kit

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Soundbrenner Core is a Cool Music Tool You Can Wear Anywhere

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Music makes us move, but when we’re on the move, the gear we need to make music might not move with us.

Soundbrenner Core is wearable tech tuned to a musician’s nuanced needs.

More Gadgets: Heari Ear-Profiling Smart Headphones

This wristwatch comes outfitted with a special vibrating metronome, magnetic twist tuner and decibel meter. It’s basically a Swiss army knife of music gadgets.


“The Soundbrenner Core, the 4-in-1 Smart Music Tool, brings all your most essential music tools in a premium wearable.”

Designed to work as unobtrusively as possible, this clever new creation is capable of all the things musicians often fuss over. Tap tempo timing for the metronome, visual tuning indicators, DAW integration and rhythm coaching number among its impressive list of functions.

Apparently even Jordan Rudess of Dream Theater is a fan.


Read up on the gamer’s very own VR hamster wheel, “Virtushpere”

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Flow Commotion “Come Back Home” With Mellow Rock Magic

Odd Nugget Social-done

Soft rock crumbled over folk fusion forms the sound set forth in Flow Commotion’s “Come Back Home”.

“We know our rights…”

A dusty trail. No looking back.

A track less traveled. You’re weak and pale.

Collapse at the cliff-side, eyes over edge.

There it is. The world. Inescapable.

Come Back Home

“Only home can set you free.”

Story sets the stage in “Come Back Home” as clear, cutting lyrics dissect society’s sordid side one word at a time.

Surrounding the story are wiggling, pirouetting guitar licks, straight-laced strumming and sandy, shuffling drums. The sound is that of a twilit Summer afternoon; a gentle fire stoking at the feet of a few gatherers. Ember-embossed eyes meet in the melody, spreading sparks over a predominantly analogue song.

Though mostly soft, this tune has a hard edge to it, both in subject matter and sound. Especially nearing the end, “Come Back Home” mounts to a pitched power swing shift in style. It goes out with a bang.

Flow Commotion have come up with a solid song in “Come Back Home”. Golden guitar work and an understandable message worth remembering… Hear it for yourself.

Read all about the Blue Zen band’s old school coolness

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The 4-Voice SKULPT synthesizer on Kickstarter

Odd Nugget Social-done

This lilliputian noise machine by Modal Electronics is hiding some serious power.


4 voices, 8 oscillators per voice, duo and polyphonic modes, unison/spread for choral effects, a real-time sequencer, arpeggiator, midi clock syncing, a 16-key touch keyboard… Where did they fit it all?

Measuring in at 10″ X 5 1/2″ X 3″, SKULPT doesn’t let its diminutive dimensions get in the way of its ridiculously big sounds. For a flyspeck of a machine, it’s positively beastly.


SKULPT sculpts its sounds with impressively optimized virtual analogue technology and comes with its own standalone editor to boot.

Read up on a long-legged robot dubbed BigDog

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Musical Ballin’ with “Oddball”

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Musical instruments are best left to musicians, right? Yes. But, what about musical balls?

In an effort to make music making much more manageable for the average Joe and Jane, Nathan Webb and Pasquale Totaro put musical processing power in… A ball.


Dubbed Oddball, this ball makes music with each and every bounce. Odball is a touch-and-bounce-sensitive drum machine and app combo fully outfitted with a hodgepodge of sounds, looping capability and effects. You bounce the ball, bend the sounds and bust out beats wherever and however you want.

Add in Oddball’s MIDI controller option and you’re but a bounce away from your next club banger.

Read up on Opie’s LED art

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