SHIVR Epic Noise-Cancelling 3D Headphones

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These noise cancelling headphones are wicked smart and brimming with beautiful sound quality.

All the awesome features you’d expect from high-quality headphones with a bit more for good measure.

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SHIVR headphones deliver authentic 3-dimensional sound thanks to their unique rendering algorithm. But sound is only the beginning with these cans…


Epic ANC tech keeps these playing for more than 24 hours straight on a single charge. Smart playing and pausing stops your music when you take them off and turns it on when they’re back on your ears.


“We worked with YAMAHA audio lab to provide a compensation signal to the feed-backward noise prediction.”

Ambient sound mode lets you interact with your environment and noise-cancelling mode tunes it all out. Top it all off with an impressive wireless range of 49 feet and you get the idea. These are seriously hardcore headphones.

Read up on Black Diamond wireless headphones

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SHIVR Epic Noise-Cancelling 3D Headphones

Odd Nugget Social-done

These noise cancelling headphones are wicked smart and brimming with beautiful sound quality.

All the awesome features you’d expect from high-quality headphones with a bit more for good measure.

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SHIVR headphones deliver authentic 3-dimensional sound thanks to their unique rendering algorithm. But sound is only the beginning with these cans…


Epic ANC tech keeps these playing for more than 24 hours straight on a single charge. Smart playing and pausing stops your music when you take them off and turns it on when they’re back on your ears.


“We worked with YAMAHA audio lab to provide a compensation signal to the feed-backward noise prediction.”

Ambient sound mode lets you interact with your environment and noise-cancelling mode tunes it all out. Top it all off with an impressive wireless range of 49 feet and you get the idea. These are seriously hardcore headphones.

Read up on Black Diamond wireless headphones

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Standing Before Kings’ “St. Helena” is Nothing You’ve Ever Heard Before

Odd Nugget Social-done

Affective tones take over Standing Before Kings’ tale of a track “St. Helena”.

Like Muse meeting up with the Pet Shop Boys, this track boards a barge of tense alt. rock melancholy to cross an ocean of electronic meaning.

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An island… Trapped in paradise…

You might have come of your own accord.

Yet, now you can hardly afford to stay.

With each night and day, you fade away.


“There’s the land of gods; mystic and romantic…”

Clean, Standing Before Kings cut equal portions of electronic and analogue sound to combine in “St. Helena”. It carries the cold exile history of Napoleon from stale pages through a moving musical progression. Silky keys and odd time signatures set us at sail to an island, volcanic and far removed. St. Helena stands as destination, final; absolute.

This song swells with pride for its namesake place, yet it’s tempered carefully with such a strong mix of subtle emotions as to fascinate the ears forever. Lyrics pass poetry over parted lips, to a pool of Tool-esque near-tribal-chant guitar chug. We’re treading melody, submerging in sound.

This is a great tune to turn on if you’re up for alternative rock with a real raison d’etre. Even if you’re only up for relaxing, this is worth your while. Sweet exile for your ears.

Read all about Neuromantics’ sizzling “Solaris”

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Standing Before Kings’ “St. Helena” is Nothing You’ve Ever Heard Before

Odd Nugget Social-done

Affective tones take over Standing Before Kings’ tale of a track “St. Helena”.

Like Muse meeting up with the Pet Shop Boys, this track boards a barge of tense alt. rock melancholy to cross an ocean of electronic meaning.

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An island… Trapped in paradise…

You might have come of your own accord.

Yet, now you can hardly afford to stay.

With each night and day, you fade away.


“There’s the land of gods; mystic and romantic…”

Clean, Standing Before Kings cut equal portions of electronic and analogue sound to combine in “St. Helena”. It carries the cold exile history of Napoleon from stale pages through a moving musical progression. Silky keys and odd time signatures set us at sail to an island, volcanic and far removed. St. Helena stands as destination, final; absolute.

This song swells with pride for its namesake place, yet it’s tempered carefully with such a strong mix of subtle emotions as to fascinate the ears forever. Lyrics pass poetry over parted lips, to a pool of Tool-esque near-tribal-chant guitar chug. We’re treading melody, submerging in sound.

This is a great tune to turn on if you’re up for alternative rock with a real raison d’etre. Even if you’re only up for relaxing, this is worth your while. Sweet exile for your ears.

Read all about Neuromantics’ sizzling “Solaris”

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Favours Want to Be Your “Stowaway” Today

Odd Nugget Social-done

A hazy daze of a duet plays as a daydream, dreamy and tranquil, in Favours’ new tune “Stowaway”.

Downtempo tones drowned in echoey goodness…

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Lost in your own mind… Impossible…

A day away and a dream to stay in…

Pray you see the light of day.

Or maybe, never wake again…

“Take another chance and let’s give it all away…”

With a gorgeous video as company, this song is like splashing into a fantasy.
Two voices intertwine in ecstasy of a languorous sort, singing of love and time in passing, just as time winds idly by.

There’s a delicious aquatic feel to this track. It’s dripping substance. Damp guitars crash in sparkling spume, floating lyrics to your ears like paper boats on cold current. Time to set sail…


Chords and words resonate in unison, meshing to a mindfully mindless mix of harmony, broken only by a sparse sprinkling of twinkling guitar tones. The song’s resultant sound is dense, yet soft enough to sink into. A swirl of thoughts and memories melting to endless experience.

Slow and sumptuous, this song settles like silk on the brain, inspiring daydreams not unlike those it was conjured from. It sounds cool as a breeze and calm as Sun on sand.

No need to be an indie-rock aficionado to go for this tune. You’re perfect, and it’s perfect for you.

Read all about Lucian and Emia’s “Automatic”

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ArcM Makes a Point of Pointing Out “She Ain’t you”

Odd Nugget Social-done

Hard industrial groove grinds into great vocals in ArcM’s new tune “She Ain’t You”.

A bouncy beat and ArcM’s voice mingle as mingling synths mangle the senses.

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She’s a neon light.

You’re a dreamer; lucid.

Effervescent… She’s blinding.

Blinded, paralyzed… You just might lose it.

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“She is the definition of a clear, blue sky…”

“She Ain’t You” is dark and deceptively deep, dripping with dangerous delight. It’s tension, tuned tension taken by wind. On fire with energy, it’s all sizzle and pop.

Strong electro tones tiptoe and stomp, like poltergeists, to and fro in this tune. Nice. Sharp waves wash brutal crunch over your ears, alluding to a rock sound with pure electronic grit and gravity.


ArcM’s lyrics lay out a scene, verbose as prose and praising his muse. He’d choose her over and over again over another. Disbelief, adulation, obsequious obsession… It’s a spirited stream of consciousness put to tune.

You’ll have to tune in to this track to take it all in. Press play and begin.

Read all about ArcM’s “Falling Away From You Now”

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